Bird Watching In Kibale Forest National Park

Bird Watching In Kibale Forest National Park

What To Do In Kibale Forest

Kibale National Park, have one of the loveliest tropical forests in Uganda with over 325 recorded bird species seen in the park and 6 endemics to the Albertine Rift region some of the animals in the park include; black-capped apalis, blue-headed sunbird, collared apalis, dusky crimsonwing, purple-breasted sunbird and red-faced woodland warbler. Other species include the African pitta, green breasted pitta, black bee-eater, yellow spotted nicator, yellow rumped tinker bird, little Greenbul, black-eared ground thrush, brownchested alethe, blue-breasted kingfisher, Abyssinian ground thrush, and the crowned eagle.
Kibale forest national park, is famous for chimpanzee trekking and boosts with the highest population of chimpanzee besides the primates, the park is also one of the rewarding destinations for the travellers interested in bird watching activity given the interesting number of birds recorded in the park. Bird watching is best done at Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary that is found some 5 km from the Kibale Forest National Park.

Birding is a major activity around the swamp with paths cut and areas of the swamp board walked to give access to areas of the swamp that would be otherwise inaccessible. Bird watching starts at 7:00am at kanyanchu with a morning briefing, the guide will lead you for the start of the activity, during the walk, you will spot Some of the birds here include; White Spotted Crake, Great Blue Turaco and Black Billed Turaco seen frequently. The rare species here include; the white winged warbler, the papyrus Gonolex, the white collared olive back and the papyrus Canary other birds include; the white spotted flufftail, Yellow-spotted Barbet, Hairy-breasted Barbet, Yellow-billed Barbet, Western Nicator, Grey-winged Robin-chat, White-tailed Ant-thrush, Brown-backed Scrub-robin, Black-and-white Shrike-flycatcher, Brown-throated Wattle-eye, Superb Sunbird, Brown-crowned Tchagra, Bocage’s Bush-shrike, Black Bishop, White-breasted Negrofinch and Black-crowned Waxbill among others.

Travellers are advised to book in advance prior to the dates of your visits. The Bigodi nature walk, costs 30 dollars per person to do the activity.
All the reserves serve as a diversity of habitants to many species of birds that live in the park. Kibale National Park is a wide national park that shelters a huge chunk of rain forest and the swamps that support the diversity of flora and animal life. With the swamps, tropical rain forest as well as the charming diversity, this is one of the very attractive and striking forests in Uganda. More so to the variety and number of primates that live with in this forest, it prides in a diversity of bird species.

There are 82 species of the Guinea Congo Forest biome and 32 species of the Afro tropical highland biome in addition to some of the uncommon species that are found in the highland areas. Among these species includes; Bar-tailed Trogon plus the Fine-banded woodpecker, Red-faced Crimson-wing plus the White-bellied Crested Flycatcher. The park in addition supports 5 of the 32 constrained range species within Uganda, as well as 5 of the twelve Ugandan species belonging to the Lake Victoria-biome.
And among the species that bird watchers should watch for while in Kibale forest National Park, is the Nahan’s francolin that is considered endangered species living in 3 additional forest reserves, on the other hand, this forest ground thrush has been recorded in 2 other IBAs. The other species include; Black bee-eater, Gree-breated Pitta, Yellow-spotted Nictor, White-thighed hornbilland, Yellow- ramped Tinker bird, the African Pitta as well as the Little Greenbul.

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All About Kibale

  • History Of The Park
  • Things To Do
  • Places To See
  • Getting There